Le ciel en feu

We had such a gorgeous sunset today that I just had to share it with you.

This is a two minute walk from chez Nez. I’m a sucker for all the silhouettes…..

5 Responses to “Le ciel en feu”

  1. 1 uphilldowndale February 18, 2008 at 7:33 pm

    Oh wow, it would be hard to top that for intensity of colour; were you just in the right place at the right time (with camera, or did it last long enough to run out of the house.
    I tried for dawn photos today, but by the time I had pulled some warm clothes on the moment/light had gone. 😦

  2. 2 nezza February 18, 2008 at 7:36 pm

    Lucky case of Right Place Right Time. I was driving home from work thinking ‘oooh….it’s so pretty’ so I dashed in, grabbed the camera and legged it back outside. I was JUST in time. The light goes so quickly doesn’t it?!

  3. 3 Spiral Skies February 19, 2008 at 6:21 am

    Wow, beautiful… the sky was like that here too on Sunday evening but, being useless with a camera, I just stood and stared until it faded. Brilliant that you captured it so well.

    Is rather lovely this morning (am typing this at 06.20) – thick fog with an almost imperceptible glow. Rather like a Dickensian murder set…

  4. 5 vonne February 24, 2008 at 7:07 am

    OMG, Nezza, those shots are fantastic! Postcard perfect.

    Btw, I liked seeing the long shot of your back garden in one of your other posts. That’s the first time I’ve seen it from that angle. You’ve done a wonderful job! Did you do all the hardscaping yourself? Nice design.

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